Monday, February 27, 2023

"Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together" for Sega Saturn released.

After having done the March of the Black Queen, we eventually got down to bringing this down as well. What initially looked like a simple PS1 translation hack-in ended up with the total rehaul of the game text and importing PSP version (the best one currently available) and making it compliant with the game lore as well as our "uncensored parts" of the Black Queen. For those dumping their image from the original game - I highly recommend the clone cd format due to the way the game stores and plays the musical tracks.

You can grab the translation here.


  1. It's awesome to see Saturn translations, loved the Vandel Hearts one also. Much appreciation for sharing these, Thank you.

    1. Wasn't literally a full-fledged translation, per se, more like PSP version transfer to Saturn with a bunch of our adjustments and some new text.

    2. That's a distinction I didn't think of, but still awesome to play it in English on Saturn, I wished more of these had come out in English back in the day.

    3. Well, Saturn was always underloved...
